I started the ‘Overcome Plantar Fasciitis’ course on August 16th.
The issue began back in April with pain on the top of my foot. It was examined through an MRI, etc., but no major findings were discovered—just bursitis and some structural variations. I was training for a 55km trail running event when the problem started.
At the end of July, a shockwave treatment was given, but it seemed to have failed. My foot turned black, swelled up, and was red for a couple of weeks. After that, the pain shifted to the bottom of my foot, mostly on the outer side.
I thought it might be a bit like plantar fasciitis. Earlier in the spring, I had custom insoles that might have been too firm, which possibly caused some plantar fasciitis-like symptoms. At that point, I was starting to feel quite hopeless.
I bought your online course and thought I’d give it a try. The pain wasn’t intense in the mornings, so it wasn’t a typical case of plantar fasciitis. However, I would still recommend the course, even if the symptoms are a bit unusual.
Relief came quickly. I noticed that the exercises impacted the overall function of my foot, and I followed the course diligently to the end. Afterward, I continued with the exercises, mostly picking movements from the later stages, depending on how I felt each day.
Last Saturday, I ran my first marathon in over a year. I took it easy and ran comfortably based on my fitness level—and it went without any issues! Having run 28 marathons, I took a small risk by going into a long run after just seven weeks of running training.
But I feel that the course was the key to getting me back to running again!